Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tyler and the scorpion!!!

I'm sorry it has been so long since I posted anything. I will post more soon I promise. I do have a funny story real quick. Tyler is in 1st grade and he is doing a report on desert animals and he picked scorpions. He loves to go out at night and go scorpion hunting with Patrick and seeing how many he can find. Well he got this great idea to capture one and bring it to school to go along with the report. Well last night they went out and got one and put it in a tupperware container. They brought it inside and it wasn't dead yet, so i told him to put it back outside and then in the morning hopefully it would be dead and he could take it to school. Well sure enough in the morning it was dead, so i duct taped the lid on so he wouldn't be able to take it off at school and he took it. I had to help out in his class today, so when I got there, all the kids kept asking me about it. Come to find out he was so excited to show everyone it had been sitting on his desk all morning long and everyone kept looking at it. Needless to say I took it home with me when I left because it was causing too much drama. The ideas kids come up with!!!


Summer said...

CREEPY! I'm surprised it was dead after only 1 night of sitting in a container. Seriously, we've tried to drown them and they still stay alive for days in the water!

Michael and Kari said...

What a cutie.....all boy!:)

Nishant said...

all are good.
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