Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tyler Graduated From Kindergarten!

Yes the school year is already over. I can't believe how fast it has gone by. Tyler was a little sad when he realized that Thursday was his last day of school, and he wasn't going to see his friends in his class for a few months, and Mrs. Ence was not going to be his teacher anymore. He did make sure to give her a big hug before he left that day. She was an AWESOME teacher and he really liked her! We will miss her. They had a fun Kindergarten program where they invited the parents and sang songs for us, and had a photo slide show of the years activities. It was fun to watch. They also did a water day and the last day they had a McDonald's Happy Meal Party. Tyler had a great year and is looking forward to 1st grade. We just have to make it through summer break. It's not as fun when you're a parent and you're used to having a break for a little while during the day!


Michael and Kari said...

How fun is that? Our school looks totally lame in comparison. Jared doesn't get a formal graduation or anything like that. Their last day is this Friday, and today they're having a picnic, and that's it. Sounds like a nice school. I agree - what to do with all the kids now????

William and Marianne said...

yea!!! thats fun!! how cute! if we dont see you guys before we leave for montana... then we'll see ya in the fall! we'll keep our blog updated with montana stuff of what were up to this summer! =)